Since the beginning of time, humans have been hunting, gathering, eating, finding shelter, telling stories, creating, and collecting memories. While the details of our lives have evolved, and new complexities have emerged in the 21st century, I’ve always found beauty in simplicity. I like to think that at the core, our needs remain the same. That’s why I’m drawn to events—they are a mixture of the most essential elements of being human: food, shelter, creativity, storytelling, and, most importantly, making memories.
In my opinion, the richest person is not the one with the most money, talent, or beauty, but the one who has gathered as many meaningful experiences as possible with their loved ones. If you don’t have someone to share those moments with, what’s the point of all the success and achievements? We are social beings; we crave connection, attention, support, and understanding.

Sadly, the modern world has forgotten the value of community, friendships, and genuine relationships. We’re encouraged to see each other as competition, as different, and even as threats, which leaves us feeling isolated and alone. We are glued to our screens—constantly consuming content, yet feeling disconnected from the people around us. We complain that it’s hard to find a good friend or partner, yet we’re more comfortable engaging with AI or robots than we are with humans.
But I still believe in the good, and I believe that connection is the key to unlocking it. We need to experience life in the real world—to share the same air, taste the same food, hear the same sounds, and feel the energy of a room together. Virtual events may be convenient, but they will never replace the richness of face-to-face interaction. I want to create events that gather people around a common interest, fostering an environment that sparks conversation, builds friendships, encourages debate, and, above all, forges genuine connections.

Why events for small sustainable businesses? Because in today’s world, digital marketing is focused on what people want instead of what they need. It drives overconsumption, pushing us to buy things we don’t really require, much like a cheerleader who encourages you to drown your problems at a party instead of helping you face them. With this profit-driven system, large corporations and “green washers” dominate the market, casting a shadow over small businesses that are genuinely trying to do good.
I want to help those businesses thrive. I believe that our future depends on a system where we grow together, horizontally, helping each other along the way. My goal is to use my research skills, creativity, and people skills to organise events that bring small sustainable businesses together, allowing them to shine individually and collectively, and enabling them to connect with people on a deeper level. These are the businesses that have the power to change our world—and I want to do my part in supporting that future.